Passenger 10’s new single Falling captures the essence of a truly emotional piece of electronic music. It shares a storyof hope, vulnerability and the human experience of falling in love. True to Passenger 10’s eclectic sound, elevated by a meaningful, raw & emotional vocal. Falling allows the listener to let go of all their inhibitions, just for a moment, and guide them on a unique journey of love and self discovery.
R e l e a s e D a t e : 1 5 N o v e m b e r
L a b e l : E n o r m o u s T u n e s
G e n r e : P r o g r e s s i v e H o u s e
Imagine a space traveller, voyaging through time, collecting fragments of sound from every distant galaxy, forgotten era, and undiscovered future dimension that he visits. Each melody, rhythm, and tone becomes a piece of a greater sonic puzzle. Meet Passenger 10—the musical alter-ego of Swiss producer Christian Beat Hirt. Armed with otherworldly musical knowledge, Passenger 10 creates immersive journeys that transport listeners to uncharted territories. His music isn’t just something to hear; it’s something to experience.
Passenger 10 – Falling is We Get Lifted Radio’s fav release of the week!