We Get Lifted Radio


Friday 6pm GMT

With a love of music from an early age, Col Lawton grew up in South Shields listening to artists such as The Jam, Stone Roses, Blur and Oasis. Using his pocket money to buy vinyl’s and tapes, Col was drawn to house music in the early 2000s when his ear for music changed. Inspired by the emotions, rhythms and the feelings of house music, Col was first influenced by friends at house parties. His musical inspirations developed in the early 2000s when he discovered Naked Music with Col crediting Miguel Migs as an artist who first inspired him through his sounds and mixing. Col loves to create music whether it is producing and looking for a particular sound that evokes those strong emotions or whether it is just creating music that brings new people into his life who love the same music as he does.

As his career grows and develops, Col hopes to create music that people will love and remember, either because they first heard it dancing in Ibiza with friends or because it is something they fell in love to having their first kiss.

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