We Get Lifted Radio


Thursday 6pm GMT (1st Thursday of the Month) on We Get Lifted Radio.

Angel Asensio aka Angel Mase

Place of birth: Ciudad Real
Place of residence: Toledo
Professional DJ since : 2022
Style :Melodic & Progressive, Techno
If we talk about Angel Asensio, we are talking about electronic music and a long career as an amateur dj.
Born in Ciudad Real and living in Toledo since 2011, angel has perfected his technique, learning from the best, to specialize as a club dj.
It comes from a world totally different from the culture of electronic music lover, born of these sounds, and always looking for forceful melodies, of today and forever.
As an artist, we are faced with a real DJ, without frills.
His sessions are built in the purest old school style: Technique, fast and intelligent mixes, versatility and eclecticism.
It is characterized by hooking the listener on a relentless journey that can encompass everything from Melodic & Progressive to the rawest dark Techno, always with that unmistakable hallmark of its own.
We cannot classify Ángel in a specific substyle of electronic music, but we can say that we are talking, most of the time, about forcefulness.
Since its beginnings, its influences come from artists as diverse as Cristian Varela, Ben Sim, Surgeon, Dj Marta, to name a few.
Although, their reference djs have always been and will be the residents of the mythical Family room, club, located in Sonseca, Toledo.
The incombustibles, Luismi del Pino and Luis MF aka De Castro.
We are talking about an artist in constant evolution who has known how to adapt to the times.

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